Russian Minor

Painting of War and Peace books (in Russian) on a field with a river and a rainbow in the background
А. Виноградов. В. Дубосарский. Война и мир. A. Vinogradov. V. Dubossarsky. War and Peace. (from the series Russian Literature, 1996)

Upon completion of the Russian minor, students should be able to: 


  1. Understand the main points of clear standard speech on familiar matters.
  2. Read articles, reports, and short stories.
  3. Converse on family, hobbies, work, travel, and current events.
  4. Write simple connected texts on topics that are familiar or of personal interest.
  5. Access and use the new media in Russian.


  1. Demonstrate basic familiarity with the norms of contemporary Russian life (i.e., family interactions; popular entertainment; media, including the internet; etc.).

Academic and Professional Applications:

  1. Apply Russian as a research tool to a particular academic discipline (i.e., literature, linguistics, history, political science, theology, etc.).
  2. Use Russian in the professional arena (i.e., in working for the U.S. government, an NGO, a private company or firm conducting business with Russia, etc.).

De-othering the other:

  1. Participate appropriately and meaningfully in a broad range of social interactions with Russians, whether inside or outside of Russia (i.e., cultural and sports events, educational dialogue, religious services, etc.)
  2. Share their own perspectives on Russia in a manner that is well-informed and respectful.

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Students from other departments and schools are invited to minor in Russian. The minor includes the following six requirements:

  • Intensive First-Level Russian I                   
  • Intensive First-Level Russian II
  • Intensive Second-Level Russian I
  • Intensive Second-Level Russian II    

2 of the following courses:

  • Third-Level Russian
  • Russia(n) in Context I
  • Russia(n) in Context II

or 2 courses from department-approved overseas programs.

Students who begin at a higher level must take a sequence of six courses in consultation with the Department Chair.