News Story

Great Women Writers 2025: Utopia/Dystopia

This year the Slavic Department will celebrate Women’s History Month with an evening of bilingual lightning readings of women’s writing from across the globe. Short texts that reflect on the theme of utopia/dystopia will be read by students and faculty from the Faculty of Literatures, Cultures and Language Studies at Georgetown. Poetry, prose, essays, and other texts written by women writers from across history and geography will be read in the English translation and the following original languages: German, Greek, Korean, Persian, Russian and Turkish. This year the event will also feature a special guest: the Ukrainian poet Ekaterina Derysheva, who will read from her own work. Audience-choice awards and a modest reception will follow.

The event will take place on Thurs, March 27, 6:15-8:00pm in the De La Cruz Gallery on campus (in Walsh).

The event is sponsored by The Faculty of Literatures, Cultures, and Language Studies (LCL), the Program in Women’s and Gender Studies, the Department of Slavic Languages, the Persian Studies Program, and the Georgetown University Art Galleries.