Undergraduate Research FAQ

Point of Contact

Prof. George Mihaychuk, Interim Department Chair (Fall) and Director of Undergraduate Studies, mihaychg@georgetown.edu; Prof. Lioudmilla (Mila) Fedorova, Interim Department Chair (Spring), lf85@georgetown.edu.

Philosophy of research

Research in Slavic Studies involves the systematic investigation, analysis, and interpretation of various aspects related to the Slavic-speaking world. This interdisciplinary field encompasses the study of Slavic languages, literatures, cultures, history, politics, and societies. Researchers in Slavic Studies often employ diverse methodologies, including linguistic analysis, archival research, cultural studies, and critical theory, to contribute new knowledge and insights into the rich and complex Slavic cultural and historical heritage.

How to get started

Through our team-taught, two-semester course, Russia A-Z, I and II, by presenting a class on her/his research topic and methodological approach, and through the regular research presentations. Our research opportunities are listed in Major’s Handbook

How to get connected with a faculty mentor

We introduce students early on, in freshman year when possible, to aspects of research through our team-taught, two-semester course, Russia A-Z, I and II, by presenting a class on her/his research topic and methodological approach. Additionally, we invite students to our regular presentations of faculty research in progress. So usually, our students are familiar with our research topics. Additionally, a discussion with Chair/DUS is recommended.

Earning credit for undergraduate research

All courses have a fourth-credit option. The Senior Honors Thesis Tutorial is a 3-credit course.

Getting paid for research

Sometimes (very rarely): from research/faculty startup funds; for the students who have been working with the faculty member on GUROP or other unpaid research.

Thesis or capstone research

Students can conduct research for the senior thesis.